Why is red wine more appealing to clients than white wine?

Why is red wine more appealing to clients than white wine?

Steven Murtagh

Written By Steven Murtagh

Red wine has long been associated with sophistication, allure, and a certain level of prestige. In social settings, red wine often takes centre stage, which is essential to leaving a lasting impression on business clients. But what is it about red wine that makes it more appealing to clients than its white counterpart?


The differences between red and white wine

Aside from the obvious colour difference, what are the characteristics that set red and white wine apart? These types of wine differ in a number of key areas, including:

  • Grape varieties – dark coloured grapes with the skin remaining for red wines, and often yellow or green grapes for white wines.
  • Flavour profiles – whites tend to be lighter, whereas fine red wines are more full-bodied.
  • Serving temperature – white wines are often best served chilled, where reds can be drank closer to room temperature.

Of course, this is a broad simplification of the various differences between fine red and fine white wines. For more focused insights into, read our blog on the ‘Factors to consider when buying fine red wine’.


Red wine and dining etiquette

When it comes to dining etiquette, red wine often holds a place of importance. It is commonly paired with hearty dishes like red meat and game, enhancing the dining experience by complementing the flavours of the food. The ritualistic act of selecting and serving red wine at a meal adds an element of sophistication and charm to any gathering.

In addition to its flavour-enhancing qualities, fine red wines have a long history steeped in tradition and culture. Dating back centuries, red wine has been a symbol of prosperity and social status, often reserved for special occasions and gatherings of significance. The rich hues of red wine, ranging from deep crimson to velvety burgundy, evoke a sense of luxury and indulgence, making it a fitting choice for formal dining affairs.


Red wine in business meetings

Red wine has also found its way into business meetings and networking events, where it serves as a symbol of elegance and refinement. The act of sharing a glass of red wine can create a bond between colleagues or potential business partners, facilitating a sense of trust and connection that is valuable in professional settings.

Furthermore, the complex aromas and flavours of red wine can spark conversations and discussions, providing a common ground for individuals to engage in meaningful dialogue. Whether discussing industry trends over a glass of robust Cabernet Sauvignon or sealing a deal with a toast of velvety Merlot, red wine has the ability to enhance the dynamics of business interactions and foster positive relationships.


Red wine at social events

Social events, such as parties and celebrations, often feature red wine as a staple beverage. The versatility of red wine allows it to be enjoyed by a wide range of palates, making it a crowd-pleaser. Additionally, the act of raising a glass of red wine in celebration adds a touch of festivity to any gathering, further enhancing its appeal.

Moreover, red wine has been intertwined with cultural traditions and rituals across the globe, playing a central role in ceremonies and festivities. From toasting to good health and prosperity with a glass of Sangiovese at Italian weddings to honouring ancestors with a pour of Malbec during Day of the Dead celebrations in Mexico, red wine serves as a symbol of unity and shared experiences in diverse social settings.


Fine white and red wine delivered

Simply going to the local supermarket to buy wine for a long standing client is not going to cut it. This applies whether you are choosing a fine red or white wine. In the case of the former, you want to be sure that the quality of the wine gift truly reflects the value you place on your business relationship. Contact Jean Juviniere to organise your very own personal wine tasting. With the support of our expert sommeliers, you’ll be guided towards the best red wine for your client.